Mintimer Shaimiev congratulates Rinat Tazetdinov on his jubilee

10 March 2023, Friday

On March 10, the Galiaskar Kamal Tatar State Academic Theatre hosted the jubilee evening of People’s Artist of Russia and Tatarstan, laureate of the Gabdula Tukay State Prize of the Republic of Tatarstan, State Prize of the USSR, Salimzhanov State Prize, Russian National Theater Award "Golden Mask" Rinat Tazetdinov.

State Counselor of Tatarstan Mintimer Shaimiev came to congratulate the nationally beloved artist on his 85th anniversary.

In his congratulatory speech, he said: “We are happy generations, we are lucky to live at the same time with the great actor Rinat Tazetdinov and enjoy his incredible acting talent and his creativity”.

Addressing the hero of the day, Mintimer Shaimiev said: “Today we are happy to be with you - a historical figure, an actor who has played more than 100 roles on this famous stage. One can only admire your hard work, you have been serving in the Kamal Theater for more than 60 years. Thank you for your many years of conscientious service to our people”.

Mintimer Shaimiev handed in the state award of the republic - the medal of the Order of Merits for the Republic of Tatarstan for significant achievements in the development of theatrical art and many years of successful creative activity to Rinat Tazetdinov.

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