26 November 2009, Thursday

Greeting of Mintimer Shaimiev, the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, on the occasion of Eid al Adha

Muslims of Tatarstan,

I heartily congratulate you all on the sacred holiday of Eid al Adha!

Going back to centuries-old traditions of Islamic culture, this holiday is a reflection of ideals of mercy, good and love helping believers to keep moral purity and hold belief.

Today, the Muslim ummah of Tatarstan, preserving its adherence to the best Islamic traditions, plays an important role in setting high moral values and takes an active position in relation to issues of spiritual renewal of the nation and consolidation of the believers’ unity. I am confident that the Muslims of the republic, following unchangeable principles of tolerance and religious and moral improvement, will continue to contribute to renaissance and multiplication of the centuries-old richest heritage of our people, in the development of ethnic and faith interaction, keeping civil peace and accord.

May our best aspirations and reams come true, may this inspiring holiday bring calm and joy to all homes, fill hearts of all Muslims with kind and conciliation.

I wish you health, happiness and well-being!

Mintimer Shaimiev, President of the Republic of Tatarstan

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