"Putin wants to have strong power like in Tatarstan"

7 December 2000, Thursday
The president Mintimer Shaimiev offers alternative to institution of federal representatives

- Mintimer Sharipovich, whether you consider that representatives and districts are the very emergency measure , which is adequate to present situation in Russia, capable to move the country out of crisis? Or you know other way?

- I consider, that the institution of representatives - is not a unique form out of possible variants. Yes, it was done of aspiration to speed up political and economic reforms. But from my point of view, there is other, not less effective form, and with little costs and less irritation for many subjects of Federation.

Well, it exists and is connected with methods and forms of the work in separate districts. For example, we with you feel it in the Ural district. The good - not in the Volga district.

Instead of institution of representatives it would be possible very seriously to strengthen regional management. For example, to set up a special structure and grant it the status "under the president of Russian Federation", to find in the regions the skilled people out of the leaders of government, legislative bodies, directors of major enterprises and companies, joint-stock ventures. To assign to them 2-3 regions and to charge them execution of those functions, which today are being carried out by the representatives.

Pay attention: no federal ministry gave and will not give the functions to federal districts. Irrespective of the personality of the representatives in federal districts, their services always will be doing a hard job. And the scheme I am speaking about would be more simple and effective. Apropus, there would be no imaginary capitals, no numerous staffs, whose qualification is far from being flawless.

- And have you discussed your scenario at present Central territorial administration management?

- It is not a level of territorial management, and it is unethical for them to discuss their destiny with us.

-O.K., then whose it is a level, presidential?

- I regret only that did not say prior to a principal decision that had ripened in walls of Moscow Kremlin.

Why I could not act with this offer earlier? I was afraid to be not understood. Taking into account, that in Tatarstan there never was representative of the president, they could tell: Shaimiev does not need the representative. But now I am more convinced, that it was necessary to make this offer earlier.

- You think, you had chances for success? Would you be supported by the colleagues in other republics? Could you defend the plan before the RF president?

- I have no doubts, that I could be supported in other Republics. Certainly, president has to decide. But I do not exclude that it could be considered as one of the basic variants. In Tatarstan we use the similar form of work with cities and areas. It has been tested by life, and I certify, that it is effective and economic system.

- Recently, much was said about necessity of expansion of economic powers of the representatives:

- Hence this institution created, I even consider it is necessary. Taking into account, that process of equation of the normative acts is going on mutually acceptable basis, and the consent will be achieved.

Not delaying, it is necessary to be engaged in economic integration of regions, constituting the district, and if necessary - integration of the districts.

- How you see this integration?

- Tatarstan already has offered and has transferred to the representative Sergei Kirieko and to the minister of economy German Gref the concept of integration of petrochemical complex of the regions constituting the Volga district. It will allow fully to load the enterprises of petrochemistry, which today frequently stand idle.

- Such "petroleum" integration, to be exact, mixture of the Tatar oil with cleaner and high-quality grades sharply raises its export opportunities?

- The point is not about this. It is too simplified approach. We must offer what really will give a pulse for growth of Russia. We will manage -Kirienko in this respect does not need to adapt to us.

It is an important factor, and we shall use it. Besides our scheme can quickly pay back. We have an arrangement with Sergei Vladilenovich: in a near future the heads of all district subjects, will meet in Kazan for consideration. I have no doubt, that under this integration project we can attract any Russian and foreign credits. And I think, that Volga district in this plan will start working one of the first.

- By your view, what is the worse and best development scenario of federal reforms in Russia? In what situation the regions would suffer and in which case the Centre? What should be afraid of?

- It is dangerous to become isolated within the limits of federal districts in all directions of the economy. Because, first, we possess the heritage of old economic system, which is manifested in accommodation of productive forces. Second - size of territory and non-uniformity of distribution of natural resources and transport networks.

- So, what level, by your view, preferably to solve the tasks?

- At a level of the country.

- And how about economic integration?

- The integration is useful but under separate effective projects. I even could tell, economic associations of the regions, which have been working for a long time give a little. The experience shows, that here are more visibilities, than a real work.

- In summer you had the adherents among the presidents of other republics in connection with criticism of federal reform. Let's say, the presidents of Chuvashiya and Bashkiria did not agree long to bring in certain amendments in the republican constitutions. And suddenly they have refused from further discussion with Centre almost in hour. For example, in Bashkiria adoption of a new Constitution took a week. Why?

- During introducing changes in the Constitution of Bashkortostan for a basis were taken not only the provisions of the Constitution of Russian Federation and Bashkortostan, but, what is very important, the principles of the Agreement on differentiation of powers likewise.

And Bashkortostan leadership and its parliament were contended with such an approach We are doing preparatory work for changes in the Constitution of Tatarstan with view of provisions of our agreement with Moscow.

- When you see the opportunity to hold referredum or voting under the Constitution - after your elections?

- After the elections of the president of Tatarstan. Nowadays it will not add stability. In the pre-election period it can be interpreted differently.

- Whether - you consider expedient to change the Constitution of Russian Federation?

- Today in any way it cannot be put on the foreground. And that the Russian Constitution needs changes - it is clear for all. The point is that it is impossible to approach this by swoop. We yet do not know, how will the upper chamber behave in the changed structure, how will State Council behave, how will federal districts justify themselves. It is a lot of also other political legal questions. Better at first to look at their work, and later to give them the constitutional status. Therefore today there is no need to fix the dates of the Constitution change.

- You are the head of expert group under State Council which is engaged in development of the concept of mutual relations between the Centre and the regions. Why you have decided to undertake this theme?

-There never was a balanced parity of forces between the Centre and regions.

We have done a lot of things, including in legislation. It concerns also constitutions and charters of the subjects. The most simple and objective reason is that they were had been accepted before Russian one, as, for example, the Constitution of Tatarstan. Irritates also that fact, that Tatarstan ostensibly has a lot of tax privileges and therefore - the standard of living is higher. And now the time came, with arrival of a new president, to begin practical actions.

- So you support federal reform of Vladimir Putin?

- When I am asked, why Shaimiev suddenly supported Vladimir Putin in his aspiration to strengthen a vertical of authority, I answer by question: "And if you became president of Russia, would you reconcile with loose power?" I even said once, that Putin, apparently, wants to have the same strong power, like in Tatarstan.

-What does mean a strong power, which you would offer to the president of Russia?

- The power is a dictatorship. But the point is in how it is established. If it is established in democratic way, as in all civilized world then it works as the tool of management. When Vladimir Vladimirovich has undertaken strengthening of a vertical power, we immediately felt, that many federal ministries and departments zealously had rushed to strengthen their own authority.

What earlier they could not achieve on the basis of mutual agreement with the regions, they try to make now in unilateral order.

Therefore, when State Council was set up, I has agreed to take on myself the development of a problem of power differentiation. We can not further reproduce a situation, when between the Centre and Federation subjects the pressure is kept, especially on questions of joint management.

- By which forces you try to solve this question? Who enters your expert group? How far you already have advanced?

- We were authorized to attract serious forces of Russian legal field - Institute of the state and right, skilled politicians, qualified experts. We were joined by the group led by the chairman of Dagestan State Council M.Magomedov , which has undertaken to develop modelling federal laws. So far more or less only the concept is clear.

- What is the main essence of the concept? What powers you have decided to consider as exclusive and joint? For what there is a struggle?

- The concept is to increase a circle of exclusive powers of the Centre and regions, narrowing as small as possible the issues of joint management.

- What are the most important if not to tell, painful issues of joint management, with which it would be necessary to understand in the first turn?

- I think that to accept the uniform law on land, which would fit all subjects, is impossible. A frame federal law should be developed that establishes only the basic principles of private property ownership, rules of land sale. And all the rest should be settled on places.

In a similar way it is necessary also to determine with structure of State bodies. Because under the Constitution of Russian Federation the subjects have exclusive right for formation of state bodies on places. I watched at Federation Council, as many members underestimated this right and very easily gave the power, pretty often the intrusion in exclusive powers of the Federation subjects took place during acceptance of the laws. Our federal law on suffrage details even the rules of realization of elections on places and in regions.

And, for example, the questions concerning supply by a heat, light and gas, is in many cases relates to a subject of joint management, because federal and local structures, the funds of local and partly of federal budgets are involved.

There should be an agreement between natural monopolies, and regional bodies of state power and the bodies of local self-government establishing the mutual obligations. If I can not pay, I should admit my insolvency before the people, instead of putting the blame on Anatoly Chubais or on the state. If we have agreed upon with what volume of energy should be given to this or that region under the diagram, and there is a normal payment, then in case of switching-off, it would possible to sue. Three years back we came to the agreement with "Gazpom". Now it supplies all volume of the gas, and we pay 100 % of current payments. So there is no need to stage performance before all the country.

- What is the fate of the Treaty between Tatarstan and Moscow on differentiation of powers? Moscow does not recognize it as international. What to do with it further? Henceforth, will the similar treaties be uniform for all regions?

- We have avoided from the fact of treaty ratification , otherwise it would break integrity of Russian Federation. The treaties will play first of all the role of mechanism settlement. And to do without them is impossible. Further during differentiation of powers on subjects of joint management the agreements can be modified according to the contents with reference to each subject.

- What offers the Centre in connection with differentiation of powers? Does it have its vision of this problem or it completely relies on your estimations and offers?

- As we have agreed during the session of State Council presidium and coordinated with Vladimir Putin, we were given the assignment to attract the experts and to prepare the report.

- Does the administration interfere?

- Our working group, by our request, is headed by Sergei Shapovalov , the representative of presidential administration.

- Do you have proposals about national languages?

- The Russian law on the suffrage does not establish the norm of knowledge of the state languages in the subjects of Russian Federation.

The laws of Tatarstan do indicate this norm: A candidate to presidency, irrespective of nationalities with command of two state language - Tatar and Russian can be elected as president. I was told, that the law of Tatarstan restrains the suffrage of those candidates, which do not have command of the Tatar language. But unless otherwise it will not be the infringe of the right of about 1,5 million Tatars - half of our voters, - if they will not have the opportunity to address to the president on native, and state language? So in Russia the president who does not speak Russian language can not be elected as president.

- Except for the president, for whom else it is valid ? Does it concern the civil servants?

- So far it relates only to the president. But there is a long-term program of introducing two state languages in Tatarstan, and in other Republics. In future certain categories of state employees should speak two languages. But for this purpose a long term is provided, to start language learning from children's garden, from school. In Tatarstan this work already is on , and keeps going calmly.

- By your view, what is more dangerous for Russia to be afraid - of national separatism, spoke by everyone, or "border" separatism? Today in Russia, perhaps, the most large problems - social and economic. In such context there is a danger, that the subjects, which are on perimeter of the borders, will gravitate to next, more safe countries:

- I think, that "border" separatism is a temporary thing. But the opportunity of national separatism will be always present. Main, during construction of democratic Russian Federation - everything should be made not to hold in minds of the peoples of various nationalities a pressure in relation to the Centre.

I shall bring one example. How much time we can not solve the problem with the passports?

- The decision of the Russian government on distribution of the new passports was accepted in 1997:

- As soon as the decision of government on introduction of new passports was accepted the parliaments of a number of the republics in several months adopted the resolution not to give out the passports of this sample. Reason is that even in times of USSR in passports the record on national language was made. We stand for "national" page. If we give out the new passports of Russian Federation in the version, as it was offered, we will produce sharp discontent of the peoples.

Even if we now shall force the republics to accept the passports of new sample, the citizens of republics subsequently can refuse from them.

What can be done with the people in conditions of democracy? It is necessary to find acceptable decisions together. It is necessary to make the federal Centre more attractive.

The point that we are being banned to make record in passports in national language, turns the people off the Centre. We together with President of Bashkortostan Rakhimov try to prove it at all levels. And our voice as if, at last, was heard.

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